
A new 'Wait' parameter in AutoTools HTML Read action

Sometimes when trying to extract HTML data from websites containing Java, AutoTools does't wait for the sites to fully load (until Java loads all the stuff) and it fetches the HTML data without the necessary stuff (with use Java option enabled).

I've observed this in a couple of websites where Java is used to load images. It takes a couple of seconds for the browser to load/display these images. And when I tried using AutoTools HTML Read action to get the links of the images, it just gave me a # value, which is the value of the image attribute before it loads up. It was more of Hit or Miss for me.

To fix this problem, AutoTools could probably wait for sometime until the page loads in the background and then extract the HTML data which will hopefully contain all the stuff.

Hence what I'm suggesting is to add a Wait parameter inside the AutoTools HTML Read action so that AT could wait that particular seconds before extracting the HTML data. :)


Ps. Here's my post in the support forum.

2 replies

Ok, I've added it :) Can you please try this version? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8G77eDgeMdwNUdWTHZoU1BxTjQ/view?usp=sharing

Wow! That was faasstt. I just tested the HTML Read action with a delay and works PERFECTLY.

Thanks a lot Joao :)