Hijri (Islamic) Date
There are couple of sites which have references to libraries used to convert the date from Gregorian to Hijri and vise versa.
Like this https://github.com/msarhan/ummalqura-calendar
Hi Joao,
I have achieved my goal using momentjs + moment-hijri.
I am telling this, in case you want to prioritize your development.
Hi Ayman,
I have stopped using Android for more than a year, and hence stopped using Tasker. I will dig into my files and see if I can export the whole profile with the necessary files.
Try the following:
Download moment.js from: https://momentjs.com/
Download moment-hijri.js from: https://github.com/xsoh/moment-hijri
put them in the same folder, I put them inside Tasker/Scripts/
use the JavaScriptlet action as shown in the photo. The third line in the code to use offset days, you should have a variable %hijrioffset before the action. After this action, you will have 4 variables %hdate, %hijrid, %hijdriday, %hijrimonth
I have made a link for a project that I used to have for prayer times and hijri date. You can import directly to Tasker. There are actions that require other plugins, you may disable them.
JavaScript Files are here: