OCR rectangle fields
Is it possible to have not only the coords of centers of recognised texts but something like top left and bottom right corner coordinates?
I want to have same style as Google lens has. Create semitransparent rectangles on the text. And then manipulate them.
If you have some ideas how to do it with existing abilities I would be happy.
3d touch in app drawer
i'd like to use autotools to create app drawer with 3d touch on some of my icons. i have old lollipop style drawer with cards and my icons are fixed to their position (except when I install a new app or uninstall some of my current apps). E.g. I'd light press settings to open settings, but when I press hard settings icon, I'd like it to open settings to data usage page using autoshare. on some other apps I'd create tasker scene showing upon hard press and offering me 2-3 actions to chose. Thanks
Make the Icon in the Toast (AutoTools) in the middle :)
http://prntscr.com/d24bja Make the Icon in toast in the Middle :)
Hijri (Islamic) Date
I'm not sure if this has a big demand, but it would help me a lot. In AutoTools, Dialog, Date. Is it possible to have option to select different date type such as Hijri Date (Islamic) while the output will remain same options available i.e. The Gregorian date format, seconds, etc. There are couple of sites which have references to libraries used to convert the date from Gregorian to Hijri and vise versa. Like this https://github.com/msarhan/ummalqura-calendar
Return an error when Date Format doesn't match Date Millis in Add Time
AutoTools -> Time -> Add Time will convert text dates/times into milliseconds, but if there's a problem with the Date Format, it just silently substitutes the current time. I'd like to see it set some kind of %err when this happens.
For example:
demo.date (216) A1: Variable Set [ Name:%raw To:24 July 2016 8:31 AM Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] A2: AutoTools Time [ Configuration: ---------Add Time--------- Output Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Timeout (Seconds):30 Continue Task After Error:On ] A3: Flash [ Text:%raw %atcalculateddate
%err %errmsg Long:On ]
There's a mismatch between the Date Format and the actual date (: vs .
a really effective kill command
where you can choose, maybe, to remove the app from the recent list; That is able to kill a (playing) "White Noise Generator" from Relaxio for instance.
Turn on or off automatic update setting in Play Store.
Want to be able to turn on or off automatic update setting in Play Store. Then can put a widget on the desktop to control when updates happen.
Change advanced wifi settings
So, here's my particular use case but I'm sure there could be other uses..
I'd like to change the DNS settings for my wifi connection in order to block ads (by pointing to an ad blocking/malware blocking dns server), but only under certain circumstances - most of the time I'm fine with ads. However it's too cumbersome to manually change dns settings every time, so if autotools could do that (and also change other advanced wifi settings where possible) that would be great.
OCR with Japanese/Chinese characters
Having the ability to use OCR with Japanese/Chinese characters would be very useful for me as I am learning Japanese using Memrise but I want to get some text from the app. I've tried using UI query with AutoInput but it doesn't work right for me so I've resorted to taking a screenshot and getting what I need from there. It would be a big help to have those extra characters be detected too
Ability to send raw TCP request with Hex data as payload
This would allow control over devices that require simple tcp requests to trigger actions (ex wifi smart plugs). There would need to be a field where you can specify the IP and also a field to provide the Hex payload string. For a better idea of how it would work you can reference the Send/Expect plugin.
Dialog list title and bottom buttons
Title and bottom butons when pressed are not cancel the dialog (disappear the dialog). Please make a option to cancel the dialog.
Median or percentile function
It would be great to median - or better yet, percentile as a math function.
Send and Receive Sound
This may be a better idea for 'Join' but I couldn't find a place like this for that app. Sound. The ability to send whatever sound is playing on one device to another device and possibly mute the sending device so the sound only comes out of one. Being able to use the microphone in a similar way would be helpful. There are apps out there that do some of those things in a limited fashion but I believe you could bridge the gap. My over all goal is a motion activated intercom/doorbell.
Data counters, sysfs reader
I was trying to write a Tasker profile that switches WiFi hotspot on when Bluetooth tethering transferred more than defined limit in a time interval.
With a bare Tasker it is a complicated task. It would be nice to have:
Data counters with atomical read and reset, and event/state, when particular interface appears/disappears.
And generic sysfs readers that reads value to a variable and handles missing file. This would be possible with a bare Tasker, but it does not have check File Exists.
Possibility to create new apps as App Factory
Спасибо за отличное приложение! Единственное, чего не хватает в нём, это возможности создавать в Auto Tools другие приложения как в AppFactory. Пожалуйста, добавьте такую возможность.
Ability to stop a specific service with Secure Settings
Without worrying about which other ones should be enabled or not.
Auto Tools, "Time Span Between Dates" - add new variable
It would be possible to create new variable with the number of days in the unfinished month in date difference results? For example %atdatesDaysInCurrentMonth. It's no problem to count it (%atdatesweeks * 7) + %atdatesdays, but perhaps it would be good to include it in the application for people, who don't need a weeks count.
For example if I count diffrence between 1. Jan 2017 and 31. Jan 2017, now I get result:
0 Years, 0 months, 2 days.
Right result in current version Auto Tools is
0 Years, 0 months, 4 weeks, 2 days.
But I need result 0
Navigation Drawer Webscreen - Adjustable Height Width
Navigation Drawer Webscreen - Adjustable Height Width
Would be nice if the Navigation drawer Height/Width were adjustable........would be even cooler if the Pull/Drag bar were also adjustable (customized trigger area instead of just the entire left side of the screen).
Play sound before shutdown
In tasker is the profile "shutdown" and a task "play ringtone with the option to change it to notification"
But its not working.
I want the same like in this videos. On phone or another device.
The original is from audi
Someone else have a solution but he did not share it
He is using a Android 6.0 device... So its possible.
The media file is in mp3 format
AutoSSH File Transfer Progress/Status
AutoTools SSH File Transfer - Is there any way to get some kind of Progress Bar or Status of the SFTP Transfer? If I'm transferring larger files via SFTP, I'd really like to know how things are going with it. Just something really basic would work.